

Freude herrscht! Wir wurden am Swiss Location Award 2024 mit 9.3 Punkten ausgezeichnet und haben das Gütesiegel «Herausragend» erhalten!

Swiss Location Award 2024

🌟 We received the "Outstanding" seal of approval at the Swiss Location Award 2024 with 9.3 points and are therefore officially one of the best congress locations in Switzerland!

You can find more information about our award here! »


#SwissLocationAward #Kongresslocation #HotelSempachersee

Swiss Location Award 2023

Hotel Sempachersee is officially one of the best congress locations in Switzerland

58,394 organizers, visitors and an independent jury of experts made their decision at this year's Swiss Location Awards: Hotel Sempachersee is one of the best congress locations in Switzerland!

The Hotel Sempachersee team is delighted that the location received the "Outstanding" seal of approval with 9.2 out of 10 points at the Swiss Location Award 2023. "The award shows us that our work is appreciated by event organizers and visitors.

About the Swiss Location Award®
The swiss location award® has been the event industry's most important seal of quality since 2016. The award honors the most beautiful and best locations in Switzerland in 10 different categories.

Marketing Excellence Award

Dear visitors,

We are very proud to announce that we have been nominated for the Marketing Excellence Award 22 with the project: "Rebranding through innovation and transformation to a place of opportunity"! It was an exciting day for us that we will not soon forget.

The Marketing Excellence Award is one of the highest accolades in the marketing industry and we are honored to have been nominated for this award. It is a sign that we are working hard to improve our marketing strategies and find innovative ways to better reach our customers.

The day itself was unforgettable and we learned a lot from the other nominees and their marketing strategies. The KKL Congress Center was the perfect location for this event and we felt very comfortable there.