News from
Hotel Sempachersee

Haupteingang des Hotels Sempachersee mit Passarelle bei Dämmerung.
Die schönsten Alpenpässe der Schweiz Thumb

The most beautiful Alpine passes in Switzerland

Eventlocations in Luzern Thumb

Unique event locations in Lucerne: plan your perfect event

Luzerner Fasnacht Thumb

Lucerne Carnival: a colorful spectacle of Swiss culture

Pilatus Sempachersee Hotel Thumb

Discover Pilatus: mountains shrouded in legend in Lucerne

Luzern Verkehrshaus Thumb

A day at the Lucerne Museum of Transport: discover the history of mobility

Teamevents Sempachersee Hotel Thumb

Top team events at the Sempachersee Hotel and surrounding area

Gamehotel - Inklusion

The GameHotel Festival 2024 at the Sempachersee Hotel

Abenteuer Stoos Thumb

The Stoos adventure: your guide for an unforgettable hike

Familienausflüge in der Region Luzern Thumb

The best family excursions in the Lucerne region: fun for young and old

Zahnradbahnen & Berggipfel- Die Reise zu den Höhen der Schweiz Thumb

Cog railroads and mountain peaks: a journey to the breathtaking heights of Switzerland

Top seminar hotels in Central Switzerland: Your guide to successful events

Biosphäre Entlebuch Thumbnail

Entlebuch Biosphere: a natural treasure near Lucerne