Location & how to get here



How do I get to the Hotel & Conference Center Sempachersee in Nottwil?

By car
Nottwil is close to the highway A2 (Basel-Lucerne) - exit Sursee/Geuensee. From the Sursee exit, follow the signs to the Nottwil Paraplegic Center SPZ. There are 300 parking spaces available in the 1st parking garage C/D, including charging stations for electric cars.

By train
From Nottwil train station - a ten-minute walk away - trains run every 30 minutes to and from Lucerne and (via Sursee) to and from Basel, Bern, Geneva and Zurich.

By bus
Public buses depart from the bus stop at the Swiss Paraplegic Center (SPZ) or from the Eymatt SPZ bus stop in Nottwil. See route description plan at J/K. Line 62 (Sursee station - Ruswil) and line 65 (Sursee station - Nottwil/Wysshüsli). You can find out the arrival/departure times directly at the bus stop, at our reception or at www.sbb.ch.

Regional bus stops:

Lines 62 und 65, Bus stops Nottwil Eymatt SPZ and Nottwil SPZ


Hotel Sempachersee
Guido A. Zäch Strasse 2
6207 Nottwil

P +41 41 939 23 23